Monday, May 22, 2017

Thing 17 Digital Citizenship

This topic is of particular interest to me because I have six children, and I really need to be more knowledgeable.
Digital literacy, digital footprint, and digital citizenship were part of a project where my seniors completed a thinglink presentation on one of the above topics. These projects were designed for  a seventh and eighth grade audience. On the day of the presentations,  seventh grade students joined the class and evaluated the projects. These projects were then made available to the seventh and eighth grade teachers to use with their classes when they were teaching digitial safety. This was a very successful project. Seniors stepped up their game and produced higher quality work because there was an authentic audience. The seventh graders behaved better and focused more because they had a real role in this learning experience, and they didn't want to look foolish in front of the upper classmen.

1 comment:

  1. Great strategy for getting the students to engage and do some serious and meaningful work.
